WinSCP Review

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Is a freeware open source FTP client that allows file transfers between local computer and remote server or a remote computer with a FTP server installed on it. It supports secure protocols such as SFTP, SCP and FTPS.

1. Simple interface and intuitive in use

It has a very simple interface and this makes it easy to use by anyone. Save different site profiles and connect to remote server with one click.

2. Included text editor

You can open files from remote servers directly in a text editor, make desired modifications and save file without downloading on local computer and upload it again.

3. Drag and drop support

Allows to transfer files simply by dragging them with mouse from one window to another.

4. Enhanced security with master password

Use a master password that will be required each time when you open WinSCP. This is useful to protect saved profiles to by accessed by a malicious software which may upload malicious code on remote server.

5. Advanced connection types are supported

From the Advanced settings you can tweak options for different types of connections that this program support: proxy, SSH tunnel, include a local file with private key and more.
